Tall Hot Caramel Macchiato (CM) (!)
Pour 2% to second line on pitcher, aerate 3-5 seconds, pull 1 shot into shot glasses, TWO pumps VANILLA into cup, fill cup 3/4 full with milk BEFORE the the espresso, pour shots on onto milk, top with caramel drizzle.
Grande Hot Caramel Macchiato (CM) (!)
Pour 2% to second line on pitcher, aerate 3-5 seconds, pull 2 shots into shot glasses, THREE pumps VANILLA into cup, fill cup 3/4 full with milk BEFORE the the espresso, pour shots on onto milk, top with caramel drizzle.
Grande Cappuccino (C) (!)
2% to third line on pitcher, aerate 6-8 seconds, 2 shots, MUST FREE POUR MILK. Ideally 50/50 milk to foam ratio. If dry cappuccino is requested aerate longer, if wet cappuccino requested aerate less.